Articles of the association


Mid-term plan

We have created a “Shiga Intercultural Association for Globalization (public interest incorporated association) Mid-term Plan” since the year 2011 at SIA.

Based on the social conditions, business environment and the changes in the needs of the prefecture surrounding the association, in order to appropriately fulfill our role as an association for regional internationalization, while coordinating with “Shiga Prefecture’s Basic Concept” and “Shiga Prefecture Multicultural Promotion Plan” established by Shiga Prefecture, we will again clarify our mission and prospects, enhance the foundation of the association and promote our projects comprehensively and systematically.

Third mid-term plan (Fiscal year 2021 to 2026)

Second mid-term plan (Fiscal year 2016 to 2020)

First mid-term plan (Fiscal year 2011 to 2015

Project plans・Budget

Fiscal year 2022 (Reiwa year 4)

Business report・Statement of accounts

Fiscal year 2021 (Reiwa year 3)

Fiscal year 2020 (Reiwa year 2)

Fiscal year 2019 (Reiwa year 1)


Fiscal year 2018 (Heisei year 30)

Fiscal year 2017 (Heisei year 29)

Fiscal year 2016 (Heisei year 28)

Fiscal year 2015 (Heisei year 27)

Fiscal year 2014 (Heisei year 26)

Fiscal year 2013 (Heisei year 25)

Fiscal year 2012 (Heisei year 24)
