It is possible to inoculate the 3rd and 4th vaccinations using the Takeda / Moderna vaccine and the Takeda vaccine (Novaxovid).
At least 5 months must have passed since the last dose.
The large-scale vaccination centers will close on Monday, August 22.
*At present, the large-scale vaccinations centers are the only places where you can receive the Takeda vaccine (Novavax).
We're accepting advance summer reservations through July 31 for priority slots!
4th dose (Moderna): currently accepting appointments at the South and North sites.
Takeda vaccine (Novavax): currently accepting appointments at the South and North sites.
Sunday (South site): 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Sunday (North site): 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday: 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
*Vaccination is not offered from Tuesday to Thursday.
【Vaccination Appointments (Japanese only)】
Friday and Saturday: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Please read the manual on the booster.
Instructions for COVID-19 vaccination (Booster shots) (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
Bring the envelope that was sent to you by your city or town with all of its contents.
Please make sure that the correct address is there before coming to the vaccination location.
Sunday - Thursday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday, Saturday: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
*Please note that you cannot make appointments at the call center.
(Closed on weekends and holidays)
TEL: 077-523-5646
FAX: 077-510-0601
Email: mimitaro@s-i-a.or.jp
URL: https://www.s-i-a.or.jp/en/counsel
At least 5 months must have passed since the last dose.
The large-scale vaccination centers will close on Monday, August 22.
*At present, the large-scale vaccinations centers are the only places where you can receive the Takeda vaccine (Novavax).
The Summer Vacation Vaccination Promotion and Enhancement Period is from July 13 to August 15!
- Starting in July, with summer vacation, there might be more opportunities to meet with people you don’t see every day.
- By receiving a booster shot of the vaccine, you become less likely to be infected, and can protect your family, friends and colleagues even better.
- To protect yourself and your loved ones, take advantage of summer vacation and consider early vaccination.
Current Appointment Status
3rd dose (Moderna): currently accepting appointments at the South and North sites.We're accepting advance summer reservations through July 31 for priority slots!
4th dose (Moderna): currently accepting appointments at the South and North sites.
Takeda vaccine (Novavax): currently accepting appointments at the South and North sites.
Vaccination Locations
The two vaccination locations are the following:Southern Shiga location
Oh!Me Otsu Terrace 3rd floor (14-30 Uchidehama, Otsu)Northern Shiga location
Frespo Hikone C Building (1917-1 Matsubara, Hikone)Vaccination Period
Until Monday, August 22, 2022Vaccination Hours
Friday and Saturday: 1:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.Sunday (South site): 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Sunday (North site): 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday: 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
*Vaccination is not offered from Tuesday to Thursday.
Vaccination Appointments
How to make an appointment:
Appointments can be made online, from the following website (Japanese only)【Vaccination Appointments (Japanese only)】
Inquiries about appointments (Japanese only)
Shiga Prefecture Regional Vaccination Center Call Center
TEL: 050-3665-9654Hours
Sunday to Thursday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.Friday and Saturday: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Vaccine Eligibility
A Residents of a city or town in Shiga
- Must have a vaccination ticket (3rd dose) issued by the city or town where your residence is registered on the day of vaccination
- At least 6 months must have passed since the second dose
- Must be 18 or over on the day of vaccination
- Must have made an appointment
B Residents of another prefecture
- Must work or go to school in Shiga, and have a vaccination ticket (3rd dose) issued by the city or town where your residence is registered on the day of vaccination
- At least 6 months must have passed since the second dose
- Must be 18 or over on the day of vaccination
- Must have made an appointment
- Pfizer's Comirnaty intramuscular injection
- Takeda/Moderna's Spikevax intramuscular injection
- AstraZeneca's Vaxzevria intramuscular injection
Vaccine Type Used
We use Takeda/Moderna's Spikevax intramuscular injection.Please read the manual on the booster.
Instructions for COVID-19 vaccination (Booster shots) (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
For those who take anticoagulants
Since the blood may be difficult to stop if you start bleeding depending on the type of medicine you take, we ask for the name of your medicine on the medical history form. You can still receive the vaccine, but will have to be careful of any bleeding afterwards.Note about intramuscular vaccination:
After vaccination, press firmly on the vaccination site for at least 2 minutes.Things Required for Vaccination
You cannot get vaccinated if you forget even one of these things.Bring the envelope that was sent to you by your city or town with all of its contents.
Medical history form for the booster, and proof of previous doses
You must bring the documents sent to you by the city or town where your residence is registered as of the day of vaccination.Other documents included with the medical history form
Please bring all the documents that were included in the envelope with the medical history form.Proof of identity
You must have a piece of ID that confirms the address at which you are registered.Please make sure that the correct address is there before coming to the vaccination location.
Examples of pieces of ID
- Individual Number (My Number) Card
- My Number notification card
- Certificate of Items Stated in Resident Register
- Residence Card
- Driver’s license
- Insurance card
- Student ID
- Student’s handbook
For People Whose Registered Address is Outside Shiga:
Proof of that your workplace or school is in Shiga- Please bring an employee ID, student ID, student handbook or other proof that your workplace or school is located in Shiga.
- A document cannot be used as proof if it doesn’t show the office or campus’ address in Shiga.
- If you do not have a document that shows the name of your office or campus in Shiga, bring a Shiga Commuting Certificate prepared by the head of your office or school. Please use the attached form (Japanese only):
- Once the booking process is complete, you will receive a confirmation at your registered email address. Be sure to check its contents.
- Do not cancel or arrive late without notice.
- On the day of vaccination, please arrive at the designated time. If you are going to be late, contact the call center before your appointment time.
- If you wish to cancel, contact the call center by 10:30 a.m. on the day of vaccination.
Shiga Prefecture Regional Vaccination Center Call Center (Japanese only)
Telephone number: 050-3665-9654Sunday - Thursday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday, Saturday: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
*Please note that you cannot make appointments at the call center.
- You can cancel by yourself using the booking system up to 2 days prior to the vaccination date.
- Make sure to cancel any double appointments after making changes to your vaccination location or time.
- If you have received an influenza vaccine (other than the COVID-19 vaccine) within 2 weeks prior to the vaccination date, you cannot receive the COVID-19 vaccine.
Contact Information for People who Cannot Understand Japanese
Shiga Foreign Residents Information Center
Monday to Friday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.(Closed on weekends and holidays)
TEL: 077-523-5646
FAX: 077-510-0601
Email: mimitaro@s-i-a.or.jp
URL: https://www.s-i-a.or.jp/en/counsel