Consultation contents

Are you facing any of these problems?


After graduating from junior high school, you will have more opportunities to choose for yourself, such as whether to study or to work, and many other various things. You will have a social life outside of home and school, and your relationships will expand. Along with more freedom comes more self-responsibility. To help you take care of yourself, here are some places to consult when you have problems.

Can senior high school student work part-time?

Those who have turned 15 and have reached March 31st are permitted to work. As long as the senior high school which they are enrolled in permits part-time work, senior high school students may work too. Since they are minors under the age of 18 and still inexperienced to work in society, they are protected by the law as follows.
  • When applying for a job, you will be required to present a parental consent form, proof of age, and residence card.
  • ※ Those who have the status of residence of “Dependent” or “Student,” are allowed to work up to 28 hours per week if the “Application for permission to engage in activities other than those permitted by status of residence” is applied at the Immigration Services Bureau. Please note that if you work more than 28 hours per week, your status of residence may not be renewed.
  • Restrictions or prohibitions on dangerous or hazardous work are included in the job description.
  • Regarding working hours, restrictions on late-night work and overtime and holiday work, working under variable working hours system is also prohibited.
※Be sure to confirm the contents when you sign employment contracts, as there are some exploitative part-time jobs (Black Baito) that employ workers under poor conditions, including unfair labor contracts, nonpayment of wages, abuse of authority, and sexual harassment.
※Illegal part-time jobs (Yami Baito), in which the worker receives payment for criminal acts, have been spreading through SNS and other platforms. Never apply for a job casually because of the “high income.” By providing your ID, family information, etc., you will be trapped in a criminal organization. Be cautious not to provide any personal, private information about yourself unnecessarily.

Work-related counseling, including bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, termination of employment, etc.

Consultation contents

Do you know about “Dating DV”?


Violence that occurs between couples is called “Dating DV.” Violence can be physical, emotional, sexual, or financial. Making someone obey, making fun of them, or ignoring them are also forms of DV. Even in close relationships, be respectful of your own and your partner’s feelings.

Counseling on problems with partners

  • Dating DV 110
  • Consult by phone or Chat
    Mon to Sat 7:00pm-9:00pm (Excluding year-end and New Year holidays)
    Tel 050-3204-0404
  • ☆ Ninshin SOS Shiga (Shiga Prefecture Parenting Support Division/ Shiga-ken Kosodate Shien-ka)
  • Counseling on unexpected pregnancy.
    Mon/Wed/Fri 6:00pm-8:00pm, Sun 2:00pm-4:00pm Tel 090-8810-2499

Consultation contents

Revision of Road Traffic Law Concerning Bicycles


As of November 1, 2024, riding a bicycle while using a cell phone or under the influence of alcohol will be subject to penalties.
Riding a bicycle while using a cell phone
Violation: Up to 6 months imprisonment or a fine of up to 100,000 yen
Riding a bicycle under the influence of alcohol
Violation: Up to 3 years imprisonment or a fine of up to 500,000 yen

Consultation contents

Beware of Financial Troubles!!


Electronic Money Troubles

The number of victims abusing electronic money as well as cash as a method of payment for scam activities, such as false billing for nonpayment of internet pay site usage fees, has been increasing rapidly.
※With electronic money such as prepaid cards, the value of the electronic money is transferred simply by giving the number and other information on the card, without having to hand the card to the other party.
It’s a scam!
"Buy an electronic money card at a convenience store and tell me your card number."
"The usage fee has not been paid. If payment is not made by the end of today, legal procedures will be initiated."
※The term "legal procedures" is used to stir up the victim’s anxiety!
!Do not reply to or contact any billings that you do not remember.
! Businesses, Ministry of Justice, courts, etc., will never ask you to purchase an electronic money card at a convenience store under the name of "payment of unpaid fees."

Money laundering (To make the person who has the money related to crime indiscernible) is illegal!

It’s a scam!
"I want you to transfer this money from your account. I will give you 10,000 yen."
! It is illegal to give your account to another person.
! If you cannot determine whether the provider is illegal or not, please do not use that provider. Any provider that is not on the list of registered fund transfer service providers on the Financial Services Agency’s website is illegal.
To prevent harm caused by email and SMS (short message service), it is effective to set up a receiving rejection setting in advance.

!If you think something is wrong, immediately consult your family, friends, or the police #9110 (dedicated police consultation line)!

  • Consumer Hotline 188 (Japanese)
  • Consumer Hotline for Tourists 03-5449-0906
  • (English, Chinese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, French, Japanese)
  • Financial Services User Consultation Office 0570-016811 (From IP phone 03-5251-6811)
  • English General Service   email:

Consultation contents

What To Do if You are Involved in a Criminal Case or Traffic Accident


Police Box
In Japan, there is a police box (koban) in every section of the town district, where police officers are permanently stationed to carry out patrols, prevent crimes, accept a request to search for a missing person or report of lost property, and give directions if you can’t find your destination. If you are in trouble, please feel free to visit the police box for help.
Theft or Assault
If you are a victim of theft or assault, immediately report the case to the nearest police box or police station. If emergency help is needed, call 110. If your bankbook or credit card is stolen, you have to immediately contact your bank or credit card company to request suspension of withdrawal of money from your bank account.
Traffic Accident
If you are involved in a traffic accident, report it to the police even if the accident causes only minor damage. If someone is injured, call for ambulance dispatch.

Consultation contents



If a fire has broken out, immediately call the fire station on the emergency number, 119. At the same time, you should try to put out the fire at an early stage using a fire bucket or a fire extinguisher, while calling for the help of your neighbors by shouting “Fire (KAJI-DA)!”

Consultation contents

Emergency Case


Dial 119 to call for ambulance dispatchment (“Kyukyusha onegaishimasu”) and give the following information calmly and clearly.
  • Emergency service needed (Note that 119 is used for both medical and fire emergencies. Make it clear that yours is a medical emergency.)
  • Your location
  • Nature of the emergency; illness or injury
  • Number, sex, and age of patients (adult, child, or infant)
  • Seriousness of injury or illness

Consultation contents

Legal Information for Foreign Nationals


HOUTERASU (Japan Legal Support Center)
℡ 0570-078374(Japanese)
℡ 0570-078377(Multilingual Information Service- English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Tagalog)
℡ 03-5366-6008(Multilingual Information Service)
Houterasu Shiga
1-2-22 Hamaotsu, Otsu City, Otsusho Chunichisei Bldg. 5th flr.
℡ 050-3383-5454
Shiga Bar Association
1-3-3 Umebayashi, Otsu

Consultation contents

Human Rights Violation


Human Rights Hotline for Foreign Nationals
Tel. 0570-090911
(English, Chinese, Korean, Filipino, Portuguese, Vietnamese)

Consultation contents

Emergency phone calls (Incidents・Accidents)


110 (the number for emergency cases)
When making a report to the police through the telephone, you may dial 110 without an area code to contact them anytime of the day for 24 hours. When calling from a public phone, press the red emergency button first before dialing 110. (similar to 119, free of charge) Ambulance will be dispatched in case there are injured persons. When you call, give the following information in this order:
  1. Whether it is an accident or a crime
  2. Where it took place (or the address)
  3. Your name
119 (the number for fire emergencies)
The fire department also takes calls 24 hours a day. It has fire trucks and ambulance. When you call, give the following information in this order:
  1. Whether it is a fire or an emergency
  2. The location (mention any landmark nearby)
  3. Your name and telephone number

Consultation contents

When a crime has been committed (Incident・Accident)


Rights of a suspect
A suspect is guaranteed of these 3 rights:
  1. The right to know the facts
  2. The right to remain silent
  3. The right to request counsel
Duty Attorney System
There is a system called the “Duty Attorney System”, in which the Bar Association promptly dispatches a lawyer to the suspect who had been arrested and detained by the police, in accordance to his and his family’s request. Please state clearly if you want to request the use of this system.
Shiga Bar Association Duty lawyer exclusive line TEL 077-522-2013
Legal Aid System民事法律扶助制度
Japan Legal Support Center (HOUTERASU) has a “Legal Aid System 民事法律扶助制度” for those with financial difficulties, so it is advisable to consult with your duty attorney about this.
HOUTERASU [Multilingual Dial] TEL 0570-078-377
HOUTERASU [Multilingual Web]
Court-appointed lawyer
After indictment, the accused can request counsel for his trial. If he/she cannot afford to have one, a court-appointed lawyer may be designated to him, if he so requests.